Jai Chitra Gupt JI

Jai Chitra Gupt JI
Global Kayasth Family -GKF

Sunday, May 6, 2012

क्यों हो जाती है आवाज़ ख़राब?

वॉइस बॉक्स या लैरिंक्स में मौजूद वोकल कॉर्ड्स पर अत्यधिक तनाव पड़ने के कारण इनमें गांठ या नॉड्यूल्स बन जाती है। आमतौर पर यह स्थिति लंबे समय तक तेज़ आवाज़ में बोलने, बहुत ज़्यादा बोलने या चीखने-चिल्लाने से बनती है। 

ये गांठें प्रायः छोटी-छोटी होती हैं और अंगूर जितनी बड़ी हो सकती हैं। किरेटीन से बनी इन गांठों का रंग सफेद-स्लेटी होता है। वोकल कॉर्ड पर इस तरह की गांठों का बनना पूरी तरह स्पष्ट नहीं है, ये संभवतः वोकल कॉर्ड्‌स के सामान्य से अधिक टकराने के कारण बनती हैं। इससे वॉइस बॉक्स का कार्य प्रभावित होता है। हालाँकि यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि ज़्यादा बोलने या गाना गाने वाले ही अधिकतर प्रभावित क्यों होते हैं। इन गांठों के कारण व्यक्ति की आवाज़ कर्कश और अस्पष्ट हो जाती है।

निदान के लिए कान नाक गला रोग विशेषज्ञ मिरर लैरिंगोस्कोपी तकनीक से वॉइस बॉक्स की जाँच करते हैं। यह तकनीक दर्द रहित होती है। इसके अलावा गांठ की बायोप्सी भी की जा सकती है। गांठ का आकार छोटा होने पर स्पीच थैरेपी से इलाज किया जाता है। इसके ज़रिए व्यक्ति को अपनी आवाज़ का सही ढ़ंग से उपयोग करना सिखाया जाता है ताकि वोकल कॉर्ड्‌स को अधिक क्षति से बचाया जा सके। प्रायः स्पीच थैरेपी से गांठ का आकार छोटा होने लगता है और ये धीरे-धीरे ग़ायब हो जाती हैं। बड़ी गांठों को माइनर सर्जरी या लेज़र सर्जरी द्वारा निकाला जा सकता है(डॉ. माधवी पटेल,सेहत,नई दुनिया,अप्रैल चतुर्थांक 2012)।

स्लिप डिस्क से छुटकारे के लिए आसन by Harsh Verma

स्लिप डिस्क से छुटकारे के लिए आसन
आजकल पीठ दर्द एवं कमर दर्द को बहुत ही सामान्य बीमारी माना जाने लगा है। लेकिन एक समय बाद यह दर्द बढ़ता जाता है और स्लिप डिस्क की बीमारी में बदल जाता है। योगासन इस बीमारी से पूरी तरह मुक्ति दिलाता है। 

जब कमर की रीढ़ की हड्डी के चारों ओर सहारा देने वाली मांसपेशियां लंबे समय तक कठोर एवं असुविधाजनक स्थिति के कारण संकुचित हो जाती हैं, तब उस स्थान में ऐंठन और दर्द प्रारम्भ हो जाता है। कभी अचानक ज्यादा भार पड़ने के कारण रीढ़ की हड्डी के बीच की गद्दी (डिस्क) में दरार पड़ जाती है या वह टूट जाती है तो उसे स्लिप डिस्क की बीमारी कहते हैं। यह बीमारी उन्हीं लोगों को होती है जो परिश्रम नहीं करते और कुर्सी पर बैठने वाला कार्य ही करते हैं। इस रोग का प्रमुख कारण रीढ़ की हड्डियों, नसों एवं लिगमेंट में अपर्याप्त लचीलापन तथा तनाव को माना गया है। 

योग में इलाज 
इस बीमारी का योग में बहुत ही सरल, प्रभावशाली तथा स्थायी इलाज है। ऐसे रोगी भी कुछ सप्ताह के सरल यौगिक अभ्यास से इस रोग से पूर्णतया मुक्त हो गए जिन्हें डॉक्टर ने ऑपरेशन की सलाह दे दी थी। 

दर्द तेज हो तो 
यदि स्लिप डिस्क का दर्द तीव्र हो, तो कड़े बिछावन पर लेटकर कमर को कुछ दिनों तक हिलाना-डुलाना बिल्कुल बंद कर देना चाहिए। जब तक हड्डी की डिस्क ठीक न हो जाए और सूजन कम न हो जाए, बिस्तर पर पूर्ण विश्रम करना चाहिए। दर्द और सूजन वाली जगह पर बारी-बारी से गर्म और ठंडी पट्टी देते रहने से जल्दी आराम मिल जाता है। कुछ समय तक फिजियोथिरेपी का अभ्यास करना भी लाभकारी होता है। 

क्रियाएं और आसन 
जब चलने-फिरने लायक हो जाए तो इन यौगिक क्रियाओं का अभ्यास करना चाहिए। प्रारम्भ में ज्योतिष्टकासन और मत्स्य क्रीड़ासन में विश्रम करना सीखना चाहिए। इसके पश्चात् मकरासन का अभ्यास करना चाहिए। मकरासन का अभ्यास पांच-सात बार करें। जब यह आसन अच्छी तरह होने लगे तो क्रमश: अर्धशलभासन, सरल भुजंगासन, सरल धनुरासन, भुजंगासन, शलभासन, वज्रासन तथा अर्धमत्स्येन्द्रासन का अभ्यास करना चाहिए। प्रत्येक आसन को पांच-पांच बार करने के पश्चात् अद्दासन में आराम करना चाहिए। 

अर्धशलभासन की अभ्यास विधि 
पेट के बल जमीन पर लेट जाएं। सिर को ठुड्डी के बल जमीन पर रखें। दोनों हथेलियों को जांघों के नीचे जमीन पर रखें। अब दाएं पैर को जमीन से ऊपर उठाएं। पैर बिल्कुल सीधा ही ऊपर उठाएं। लगभग 5 सेकेंड तक इस स्थिति में रुकने के बाद वापस पूर्व स्थिति में आएं। यही क्रिया बाएं पैर से भी करें। प्रारम्भ में इसकी तीन आवृत्तियों का अभ्यास करें। धीरे-धीरे आवृत्तियों को 25 से 30 बार तक बढ़ाएं। जब आप इसकी 25 से 30 आवृत्तियों के अभ्यास करने की स्थिति पार कर लेते हैं तो आपको दोनों पैरों को एक साथ उठाने का अभ्यास प्रारम्भ कर देना चाहिए। 

इस रोग में आपको सामान्यतया कुछ दिन बिस्तर पर बिताना पड़ता है। इसलिए यदि इस समय शिथिलीकरण का अभ्यास कर लिया जाए तो रोग बहुत जल्दी ठीक हो जाता है। यह दर्द से ध्यान हटाता है तथा मानसिक तनाव को कम करता है। यह नाड़ियों को बहुत शांत एवं शिथिल कर आत्मविश्वास भी बढ़ाता है। 

प्रारम्भ में हल्का भोजन लेना चाहिए। सब्जियों का रस या सूप सर्वोत्तम है। इसके बाद खिचड़ी लेनी चाहिए। बिस्तर पर पड़े रहने से रोगी को कब्ज हो जाया करता है। ये आहार कब्ज दूर करते हैं। जैसे-जैसे रोग अच्छा होता जाए, चावल, दाल, सब्जी एवं रोटी खायी जा सकती है। ऐसे भोजन जिससे कब्ज होती है या जो गरिष्ठ होते हैं, नहीं लेने चाहिए। इनमें मांस, पनीर, तेल में तली वस्तुएं आदि शामिल हैं। अण्डा, दूध, घी आदि प्रोटीनयुक्त चीजें भी नहीं लेनी चाहिए। 

ध्यान दें 
इस रोग में केवल पीठ को पीछे झुकाने वाले आसन करने चाहिए। आगे झुकने वाले आसनों का अभ्यास तब तक नहीं करना चाहिए जब तक योग विशेषज्ञ इसके लिए अनुमति न दे दे। कुर्सी पर ज्यादा देर तक बैठने वाले लोग योगासनों का अभ्यास आज से ही शुरू कर दें। वजनी चीजें घुटनों को मोड़कर सावधानी से ही उठाएं। 

शिथिलीकरण अभ्यास की विधि 
पेट के बल (मकरासन) में या पीठ के बल (शवासन) में लेट जाएं। चेहरे को पूर्णतया शिथिल कर दें तथा शरीर के सभी अंगों को पूरी तरह ढीला छोड़ दें। अब अपने दाएं पैर पर मन को एकाग्र कर उसे नितंब से लेकर अंगुलियों तक पूरी तरह से ढीला करें। ठीक इसी प्रकार बाएं पैर को भी ढीला करें। इसके बाद दाएं हाथ को कंधों से लेकर अंगुलियों तक खूब ढीला करें। फिर, यही क्रिया बाएं हाथ से भी करें। इसके पश्चात् पीठ, पेट, सीना, गला तथा चेहरे पर मन को बारी-बारी से एकाग्र करते हुए ढीला करें। यह क्रिया आरामदायक अवधि तक की जा सकती है(कौशल कुमार,हिंदुस्तान,दिल्ली,25.4.12)।

Chitragupt Mandir By Alok Srii

About four furlongs outside the Lal Darwaza area. in a locality to the South of Hyderabad  can be seen the temple of  Chitra Guptaji, Sri Chitra Guptaji Maharaj was the son of Lod Brahma the great ancestor of the  Kayestha community. 

Built in early 11th century, the Chitragupta Temple situated at the extreme northern end of a row of four temples and extending from south to north is dedicated to Surya, the Sun God. Facing eastwards towards the rising sun, the temple is located about 100 yards south-east of the Chopra Tank,a deep three-storeyed stepped well that was built by the Chandelas. The only Khajuraho temple that is dedicated to Surya, the Chitragupta Temple demonstrates an evolution when compared with the Lakshmana and Vishvanatha monuments. The temple's inner sanctum has a very impressive five feet image of the sun god ,who is shown driving a seven horsed chariot. The temple shows a fair amount of signs of restorative work and is the place where most of the dance performances take place during the Khajuraho Dance.

Bootleggers have made the 200-year-old Chitragupta temple located at Chatrinaka in the old city of Hyderabad has a safe haven to sell 'gudamaba'.
The only Chitragupta temple in the entire of South attracts women devotees who perform a concluding ceremony after their 41-day 'chitragupta vratam'. People, particularly women, who are under going malefic effect of 'Ketu', perform the 'chitragupta vratam 'and seek his blessings here.

Though there is no evidence to ascertain the builder of the temple, local people say that the 'Kayasths', who migrated from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar had built the temple some 200 years ago, says temple priest Ch Rangacharya. Chitragupta, the court master in the court of Yamadharma Raja, the god of death had two wives— Suryaputri and Nagaputri— and there idols are also installed in the temple. Now this place of worship is refuge for people selling illicit liqour. According to local residents neither the endowments department nor the police department was interested in checking the illicit sale of gudamba in the temple premises. In fact, the temple is located at a stone's throw from Chatrinaka police station.

The temple located on a three-and-a-half acre plot has also fallen prey to land encroachers. Nearly 13 families have occupied the 'satrams' (rest houses) constructed for the benefit of devotees, who come from distant places."The endowments department did not act despite a direction from the court to take necessary action and vacate the illegal occupants. The court gave direction in the mid eighties," K Hanumantha Rao, member of the Trust Board says.The cattle shed constructed just in front of the temple has been causing hardships to the devotees and school children,who are studying in the Saraswati Sishu Mandir located in the temple premises.

"The endowments officials have not responded to oft repeated requests to remove the cattle shed," says a devotee.When asked about funds, Rao said,"though a Trust Board has been formed by the department there is no patronage. School management pays Rs 900 as rent. It is not sufficient to pay the salaries of the two priests, who are dependent on the temple."The temple is solely managed through the offerings of essential commodities like oil, rice from the local kirana stores merchants, he added. Interestingly, people of kayasth community rarely visit the temple. "They come once or twice a year.Devotees throng the temple in good number only on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays following the construction of Siva, Saibaba and Hanuman temples in recent past," temple priest said

List of Kayastha Organisations By Alok Srii

These are active hand of kayastha samaj

1) Rajasthan Kayastha Mahasabha, Jaipur,
2/139 Krishna Sheela, S.F.S.
President : Arvind Kumar
2) Kulshreshtha Sabha, Lucknow
3) Mahakaushal Kayashta Parishad,
4) Bihar Pradesh Kayastha yuva Maneh,
5) Rashtriya Kayastha Mahaparishad
President : Sh. Arvind Kumar
2/139 Krishna Sheela, S.F.S. Mansarover,
Ph : 2396046 M : 01412079520
6) Sh. Chitragupta Sabha, Nrarr, Moti
Nagar,Lucknow (U.P)
President : Shri B.D.Kulshreshtha
7) All India Kulshreshtha Mahasabha
National President : Shri Girish C.
 Shri Chitragupta Navyuvak Samiti
2038, Mohini Sadan, Bhindo Ka Rasta,
Chandpol Bazar, Jaipur 302001
Ph : 0141-2326342
President : J.K.Mathur – 2327492
Secretary : M.S.Mathur : 9414219601
9) Akhil Bhartiya Kayastha Marriage Buearu
F-85/35, Tulsi Park, Tulsi Nagar, Bhopal –
Ph : 2555575, 2575813
10) Chitragupt Samaj
Khagol Road, Aneesabad ,
Patna – 800002, Ph : 0612-2250962
Mr. S.K.Sinha
11) Mathur Sabha
President : Dr. U.B.Mathur
A-25, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur
Ph : 0141-2753099
12) Karnataka Kayastha Sabha
203,2nd Floor, Kalpak Arcade, 19th
Church Street Bangalore – 560001
Ph : 09448192186, 23302190
13) Shri Chitragupt Poojan Samiti
Off : 124/158, C Block, Sh. Chitragupt
Dharamshala Govind Nagar, Kanpur –
President : Dr. K.C.Lal
Ph: 0512-2612217,9415130159
14) Akhil Bhartiya Kayastha Mahasabha
120, Dhar Road, Indore – 452002
President : Dr. R.C.Verma Ph : 64889
15) Akhil Bhartiya Kayashta Mahasabha
SA-15 A/133 K4A, Mavaiya, Saranath
President : Dr. (Mrs) Krishna Nigam
16) Kayastha Sabha Alwar
Opp Kendriya Bus Stand, Alwar (Raj)
President : Harish C. Mathur
17) Sh. Chitragupta Club Jaipur
Kayastha Ki Bagichi, Kalyanji Ka Rastha,
Indira Bazar, Jaipur
President : Gopi Mohan Mathur
18) Marudhar Mathur Samaj Sewa Samiti
1323, Kisan Marg, Jaipur : Ph : 0141-
President : Deen Dayal Mathur
19) Nandlal Kayashta Dharamshala,
3181, Radha Kisan Kayastha ki gali
Kalyan ji ka rasta, Chandpol Bazar, Jaipur
Presind : G.S.Mathur
20) Chitransh Hitkarini Sabha
4-TA-, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur.
President : K.M.Sahai
Ph : 2653690
21) Mathur Hitkarini Samiti (Kotwala)
906, Vijay Bhawan, Khandar Ke Paste,
Moti Kotla Bazar, Jaipur.
Ph : 0141-2631980
President : Atal Bihair Mathur
22) Kayastha Moksh Dham Vikas Samiti
2080, Badrinath ji ke Chowk, Khazane
Walon Ka Rastha Jaipur, Ph: 9414043784
President : Chandra Prakash Dutt,
23) Sh Chitragupt Samita
1-D-2, Lalita Shastri Colony,
Shastri Nagar, Jaipur
Ph : 0141-2306443
President : Shri. G.C.Pradhan
24) Prabhu Bhawan Trust Committee
Kayastha Mohalla, Purani Mandi, Ajmer
President : Shibhag Narayan Mathur
Ph : 2627884
25) Chitragupt Samiti
Ajmer Rajasthan
Shri Shyam Narayan Mathur
Ph : 2621987
26) Sh. Chitragupta Trust,
Sh Chitragupta Market, Kalyan ji Ka Rasta
Chnadpol Bazar, Jaipur ,
Ph : 0141-2312376
President : Sunder Swarup Mathur
27) Sh. Chitragupta Samiti
1A52 Mahaveer Nagar Extention Project
Kota, 344004
Ph: 0744-2471847
President : Gishi Kant Bhatnagar
28) Shri. Chitragupt Kalyan Sangathan
7/106, Circular Road, Shahadara
Delhi-110032, Ph : 22306148
Ph : Shri Surendra Mohan Lal Bhatnagar
29) Chitragupta Ashram
Brig Ghat, Garhmukteshwar
30) Akhil Bhartiya Kayastha Mahasabha
5605, Kolhapur, Kamla Nagar, Delhi – 7
President : Shri : M.L.Srivastava
31) Akhil Bhartiya Kayastha Maharashta
9018, Sheeshmahal Bhopal-462001
President : Kailash Sarang
32) Sh: Kayastha Sabha Indore
133, M.G.A., Road (Rajbora) Indore
33) Shri Chitragupta Samaj Samiti
4/724, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow U.P.
President : Baldau ji Srivastava – 0522-
34) Shri. Chitragupta Sabha
558, Rajendra Nagar, Lucknow
Shri : Shiv Lal Khare
35) Shri Chitragupta Sabha, Bakshipur
Gorakhpur. U.P
President : Sh. Harinandan Srivastava
36) Sanatan Kayastha Mahaparivar (sankam)
Office address: samanvayam 204 vijay apartment, napier town, jabalpur 482001, phone: 0762 2411131
office bearers – sarv shree adhyaksha- sanjiv verma ’salil’, samanvayam 204 vijay apartment, napier town, jabalpur 482001, phone: 0762 2411131, mobile 94251 83244,
upadhyaksh – 1. santosh saran bhopal.
2. arvind kumar sinha, patna.
3. Smt. Madhu prasad, ahmdabad.
4. Arun shrivastav, editor chitransh charcha, durg.
5. abhishek shrivastav, nagpur.
6. anil anvar, sampadak maru gulshan, jodhpur.
7. Er. manoj shrivastav, lucknow.

8. Maha mantree-
Charu Chandr Khare, Nav Nakshatr Press, Banda 210001, ph. 05192 224368, m. 44251 44047.

History about Sri Chitragupt maharaj ji By Alok Srii

hitragupta puja – Chitragupta bhagwan, Chitragupta Jayanti on Bhai Dooj

Chitragupta Puja also known as Dawat (Inkpot) puja or Chitragupta Jayanthi is on 2009 date is October 19th. It is celebrated on Bhai Dooj, two days after Diwali, in North India. Chitragupta Pooja marks the birthday or Jayanti of Chitragupta and it is mainly celebrated by Katyastha caste. Lord Bramha created 16 sons from the various parts of his own body and Chitragupta was the 17th son who was born from the whole body (Kaya) and hence the progeny of Chitragupta are called as Kayasthas. The legend or story says that to assist Yamaraj, the Lord of death. Chitragupta Ji Maharaj has has two wives Shobavathi and Nandini and twelve sons named as follows: Srivastava, Surajdwaj, Nigam, Kulshreshth, Mathur, Karna, Saxena, Gaud, Asthana, Ambasht, Bhatnagar and Bulmik.
The Duty Of Chitragupt Ji Maharaj
Hindu Dharam is based on a multiple phase life cycle involving re-birth. It is believed that those who do not attain a balance between their good-deeds and misdoing, have to attain re-birth in any living form , to complete the life cycle.
The primary duty awarded to Shree Chitraguptjee is to create log of the lives of all living beings, judge their lives based on good-deeds and misdoing, and decide, upon ones death, whether they will attain Nirvana, ie, the completion of their life cycle & redemption from all worldly troubles or, receive punishment for their misdoing in another life form.
Chitragupta Puja Celebrations:
Chitragupta puja is revered by Kayastha families in North India. On this day they acknowledge the importance of the good deeds and believe that world peace, justice, knowledge and literacy are the four primary virtues dipicted by the form of Shri Chitragupta Maharaj. The puja is also known as Dawat (Inkpot) puja. On the day before the puja Kayastas stop using pen and paper and on the next day, that is on the day of puja, pens and paper are worshipped and respected. All this symbolizes the importance of study in the life of a Kayastha.
The Deity or lamination of Lord Chitragupta is placed and detailed puja is carried out and sweets are offered. The earning members of the family give account of their earnings in writing to Chitragupta. They put forth the requirements of money for the coming year and pray for his blessings to get the needed amount.

Kayastha in Vedas and Puraan By Alok Srii

Kayastha have been described in the oldest of the Puranas, Smritis and Shrutis:
  • Chitragupta is mentioned in The Yama Samhita, an extract from the 9th Chapter of Ahilya Kamdhenu, a work of Hindu Law. In this text, Dharamaraja complained to Lord Brahma about his difficulties in performing his most responsible duties of keeping records of the deeds of men and doing justice to them. Lord Brahma went into meditation. Shree Chitragupta sprang from his body and stood before him bearing an inkpot and a pen. The God Brahma (Creator) said: "Because you are sprung from my body (kaya), therefore you shall be called Kayastha and as you existed in my body unseen I give you the name of Chitragupta." He then assumed charge of Yamapuri. Dharma Sharma married his daughter Irawati to Chitragupta and Manuji, son of Surya (the Sun) married his daughter Sudakhina to him." Chitragupta had eight sons from the former and. four from the latter and these twelve sons became the progenitors of the twelve sub−divisions of the Chitraguptavansi Kayasthas, namely, Mathur, Gaur, Nigam, Ashthana, Kulshretha, Suryadwaja, Balmika Bhatnagar, Srivastava,Ambastha, Saxena and Karana.
  • In the Padma Purana, Uttar Khanda, Shree Chitragupta has twelve sons by two wives. They were all invested with the sacred thread and were married to Nagakanyas. They were the ancestors of the twelve sub−divisions of the Kayasthas. The text says: "Shree Chitragupta was placed near Dharamaraj to register the good and evil actions of all sentient beings,that he was possessed of supernatural wisdom and became the partaker of sacrifices offered to the gods and fire. It is for this reason that the twice−born always give him oblations from their food. As he sprang from the body of Lord Brahma he was called Kayastha of numerous gotras on the face of the earth."
  • In Shristhi Khanda the same Purana says that the sacrificial rites and study of the Kayasthas should be of the Vedas and supporting scriptures and their occupation related to writing.
  • Bhavishya Purana states that God, the Creator, gave the name and duties of Chitragupta as follows:
"Because you have sprung from my body, therefore, you shall be called Kayastha and shall be famous in the world by the name of Chitragupta. Oh my son, let your residence be always in the region of the god of justice for the purpose of determining the merits and demerits of men."
  • Vignana Tantra says the same thing.
  • The same is the enjoinment of Lord Brahma to Shree Chitragupta according to Brihat Brahma Khanda. He was named Kayastha having sprung from the body (kaya) of Lord Brahma. He was directed to perform all sanskars and to have writing as his profession.
  • Garuda Purana describes the imperial throne of Shree Chitragupta in Yamapuri holding his Court and dispensing justice according to the deeds of men and maintaining their record, in the following words:
(There Dharmaraja, Chitragupta, Sravana and others see all sins and virtues which remain concealed in the bodies of men).
  • Similarly, Apastamba Shakha of the Veda quoted in Shabda−Kalpadrum 2nd part, page 228, Shabda 20,
under Kshatriya, states that Kayasthas are Kshatriyas. Chitragupta who reigns in heaven and his son Chaitrarath, who was light of the family, meritorious and of illustrious deads ruled on earth for a long time as King of Chitrakoot near Allahabad. Meru Tantra quoted in Shabda−Kalpadrum under the word ’Kshatriya’ supports the same view.
  • The Mahabharata (Anusasan Parva, Chap. 130) recites the teaching of Shree Chitragupta requiring men to do virtuous and charitable acts and performing Yagya, saying that men are rewarded or punished according to their good or bad deeds.
  • Turning to the Smritis, Vishnu in Chap. VII, verse 3, says that a document attested by the King is one which is written or prepared by a Kayastha and stamped with the finger prints of the head of the department.
  • The words are Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra in Chap. X, Sloka 10 says. Kayasthas should be appointed as writers, they being expert in writing.
  • Again in Chap. I, Sloka 235, he says that Danda−dhrita the Magistrates and Judges of the Courts should be (dharmagya), persons versed in laws and good administration, Kayasthas, who are versed in the art of writing.
  • Vyas says that the writer and the accountant should be that is versed in Mimansa (Srutis) and Vedas (Adhyayana) as explained by Mitakshara in commenting upon Yajnavalkya, Chap. II, Sloka 2, which says that the King’s Councillors should be versed in the sacred books of Mimansa and Vedas, expert in law, truthful and impartial.
  • Similarly, Shukraaiti in Chap. XXXII, Sloka 420, describes Kayasthas as lekhaks, and in Chap. II, versa 178, says that the accountant and lekhak knew the Vedas, Smritis and Puranas.
  • Yajnavalkya in Slokas 317 to 320 describes how the edicts of the king should be written, sealed and promulgated. Apararka in his commentary upon these Slokas quotes from Vyas and shows that these edicts should be written by lekhaks, the ministers of war and peace (sandhi vigraha kari), and that they should be promulgated to the gentry and officials among whom Kayasthas have been mentioned.
  • Similarly, Vijnanesvara in his Mitākṣarā commenting upon these Slokas says:
He (King) should cause it to be recorded by that officer of his, who is in charge of war and peace (i.e. by a Kayastha), and not by anybody else.
  • As says a Shruti: That officer of his, who is sandhi vigraha kari or the officer in charge of peace and war should be its writer (lekhak).
  • Yajnavalkya uses the word "Kayastha" in Slokas 335 36, Chap. I. Commenting upon this, Mitakshara says that Kayasthas are accountants and writers. He makes the word "Kayasthas synonymous with accountants and writers. Similarly, Apararka says that Kayasthas were revenue−collectors (kar−adhi−krita).
  • The accountants and scribes constitute one of the ten parts of a judicial proceeding.
  • Brihaspati says the same thing, as quoted in Prasara Madhava, Vyavahara Kanda.
  • According to the Smritis, the officers of the realm, such as, ministers of peace and war, courtesans and Councillors, Governors and headmen of villages should be men versed in the Sastras, valorous and born of noble family, pure, intelligent, affluent in wealth and of tested virtue and comprehension: Manu, Chap. VII, Verses 54 to 121 Yajnavalkya, Chap. I, Verse 312.

जियो कर्तव्य के अधिकार में ! By Arvind Yogi

जियो कर्तव्य के अधिकार में 

हर डूबने वाला ये सोचता है 
गर सहारा मिलता तो निकल जाता 
लहरों से टकराता डूबता घबराता 
सामने ही शाहिल को नही देख पाता
मन के मंदिर में छिपे आराध्य को 
नहीं खोज पाता हर कोई 

पत्थरो में खोजे , जिसकी आत्मा सोई
मंदिरों में खोजे , भटका वैदेही 
पर घट घट में बसे भगवान को
नहीं खोज पाता है कोई 

डूब कर देखो ह्रदय की वेदना में 
पाओगे ह्रदय की चेतना में 
जो मौत से घबरा के जीना छोड़ दोगे 
दर्द मुस्करा के पीना छोड़ दोगे 
फिर ना कुछ मिलेगा दिल दुखेगा 
उम्मीदे इन्सान को बलवान बनती है
कर्म इन्सान की पहचान करती है 

कर्तव्य मिले या अधिकार 
पर सत्य है कर्तव्य का संसार 
डूबने के दर को छोड़ दो 
वक़्त की धार से खुद को जोड़ दो 
चल पड़ोगे तुम जिंदगी के साथ योगी 
मिलता नहीं कुछ दर्द के रात में 
जीवन है मुस्कराहट के सौगात में 
जियो कर्तव्य के अधिकार में !

यह कविता क्यों ? जीवन की नाव कर्तव्य के पाल से बहती है न की लहरों पर अधिकार से 
अरविन्द योगी